UN SDG NO17. Partnerships for The Goals SDGs를 위한 파트너십(Sustainable Development Goals)
UN SDG NO16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions 평화, 정의와 제도 (Sustainable Development Goals)
UN SDG NO15. Life On Land 육상 생태계 (Sustainable Development Goals)
UN SDG NO14. Life Below Water 해양 생태계 (Sustainable Development Goals)
UN SDG NO13. Climate Action 기후 변화 대응(Sustainable Development Goals)
UN SDG NO12. Responsible Consumption and Production 책임감있는 소비와 생산(Sustainable Development Goals)
UN SDG NO11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 지속가능한 도시와 공동체(Sustainable Development Goals)
UN SDG NO10. Reduced Inequalities불평등 완화 (Sustainable Development Goals)
UN SDG NO 9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure산업, 혁신, 사회기반시설 (Sustainable Development Goals)
UN SDG NO 8. Economic Growth 일자리 창출과 경제성장 (Sustainable Development Goals)
UN SDG NO 7. Affordable and Clean Energy 저렴하고 깨끗한 에너지(Sustainable Development Goals)
UN SDG NO 5. Gender Equaliy 성평등(Sustainable Development Goals)
UN SDG NO 4. Quality Eduaction 양질의 교육(Sustainable Development Goals)